Clean up Adware and Spyware

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Clean up Adware and Spyware
Clean up HardDrive

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Before you start, if you’re on hometime or your ISP (such as Freeserve or AOL) has a cut off time, make sure you disconnect then reconnect to give yourself time to complete the scan, it could take a while depending on your system.

If you have access to a printer it would be a good idea to print this guide off, just in case you get lost. It would also be easier to get back to this CleanmyPC site by adding it to your favourites (click ‘add to faves’).

You are about to visit a site developed by XCleaner, where your system will be cleared of any Adware and Spyware that you may have. Click here to begin the process, before you continue you MUST switch off your firewall. When the page loads click auto install. X-Cleaner Easy Installer will start to load and may take some time depending on your internet connection, when the installer loads click YES. Then keep clicking NEXT until the installation is complete, then click FINISH, you will then be asked if you want to try out Al Roboform click no for now as this is another area of PC security that you may like to try at a later stage. From the XCleaner window click SELECT ALL then START CLEANING, you will be surprised at what will be found, to destroy the nasties click REMOVE IT. You now have to restart your computer so click yes or press [CTRL] [ALT] [DEL] keys all together.

You MUST now restart your firewall.